Day 11 – Good carbs?

As I sit here eating a bag of corn chips and ‘Santa Maria Tex Mex Guacamole Dip’ I’m thinking to myself two things. First, ‘what the hell do the swedes know about making mexican food?’ and second, ‘what is a good carb when you’re a gluten-free, lactose-intolerant (pseudo*) vegetarian?’ It isn’t homemade pasta but rice and potatoes are pretty high in carbs if you’re stuck in my shoes. And, they’re tasty too. Especially the ‘Troll’ potatoes that we have, here, in Norway. Organic and resistant to potato blight. Anyway, I guess that I should figure this carb thing out. A 4km swim followed by a 180km bike ride and then a marathon finish. It’s not clear to me that I can do it on corn chips and guacamole alone. So, I’m open to suggestions.

*I say ‘pseudo’ because fish don’t count in my book. Sure, a purist might disagree but I figure that, if I can kill it myself, I’ll eat it. So fish are on the plate (for now) but the cows and piggies are safe. Unless that’s what they put in hotdogs…

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